
2023-05-09 132阅读





中文名 Z博士
人物 罗特与罗拉
地位 “亚法党”的首脑
组织 恐龙王邪恶组织







简介:Max Taylor is the son of paleontologist Dr.Spike Taylor.After falling out of bed early one morning and witnessing a meteor fall from the sky, Max sets out with Rex Owen and Zoe Drake into a forest where the meteor had crashed.They find a lightning, wind and grass stone.Chomp is accidentally activated when Max rubs the card on the stone.

The D-Team meet their new enemies in the Alpha Gang when they come to catch it.The result was that the D-Team and Alpha Gang often clashed for possession of dinosaurs that are activated.In the finale, the Alpha Gang's Seth turns on his comrades with his Black Tyrannosaurus, which is ultimately defeated thanks to Rex's true parents.Seth attempts to bring Chomp back to the past, which fails, and Seth is sent into the past alone.The D-Team surrender their dinosaurs to Rex's parents, with many tears.

In the second season, the Alpha Gang and the Ancients return.While the parents are talking, they are kidnapped by Gavro, a member of the Spectoral Space Pirates.This causes the Alpha Gang and D-Team to join forces against the Space Pirates in their plot to obtain the Cosmos Stones.Seth later returns as an ally to the Spectoral Space Pirates.

Spectre, the leader of the Space Pirates, provides the dinosaur cards.In episode 75, Seth seems to become a traitor as he appeals to the D-Team for help, saying that they forced him to help them; however, it was really a trick to get the two Cosmos Stones in D-Team's control, despite the fact that he attacks and defeats his comrades two episodes later.In the end, although the Spectoral Space Pirates manage to catch all seven Cosmos Stones, Seth and the Pterosaur defeat the Black Pterosaur.Rex, his parents, and the Alpha Gang leave as the Spectoral Space Pirates are floating around in a pod.

翻译:Max Taylor是古生物学家Spike Taylor博士的儿子。一天早上从床上掉下来,目睹了一颗流星从天而降,麦克斯与雷克斯·欧文和佐伊·德雷克一起前往流星坠毁的森林。他们找到了闪电、风和草的石头。当Max在石头上摩擦卡片时,Chomp被意外激活。D-Team在Alpha Gang中遇到了他们的新敌人。结果是,D-Team和Alpha Gang经常因为拥有被激活的恐龙而发生冲突。在结局中,阿尔法帮的赛斯用他的黑色霸王龙攻击他的战友,最终在雷克斯的亲生父母的帮助下被击败。Seth试图将Chomp带回过去,但失败了,Seth被单独送回了过去。D-Team将他们的恐龙交给Rex的父母,泪流满面。



1.古代王者 恐龙王(豆瓣)·豆瓣电影
